More people are using the internet to pursue their professional goals as we move into the current digital era. Today’s youth want to advance their careers in the digital world.
With 125,000 new internet customers added every day, the Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has the world’s fastest growing internet market.
The significant increase in digital involvement bodes well for the economic standing of ASEAN countries, with the World Economic Forum forecasting a $1 trillion increase in GDP for the region between 2020 and 2030 (
Because of the high percentage of people interested in the digital field in recent years, these jobs are in high demand and pay well. Are you interested in pursuing a career in digital jobs? Check out these suggestions for launching a career in the digital age!
? Segment & improve and your skills

You’ll find it simpler with skill segmentation to develop your professional personal brand and deepen your skill set. When you become a professional gig worker, your service charge may increase.
✅ Build your portfolio and promote your skill
By reviewing our portfolio, recruiters are able to assess our skills. The portfolio allows you to highlight your best work. Aside from that, actively advertise through professional-only social media sites like LinkedIn or other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

For instance, take a look at Vina Muliana’s Instagram and LinkedIn. She works as both a content creator and a government employee. She created the personal branding to educate other young people about self-development and job applications.

To begin your career in the digital world, it is critical that you continue to learn how to develop your digital skills, whether online or with others. However, going directly to the field and learning from job or internship experiences is the most effective way to acquire the skills.